Love is all you need. Love is blind. Love is a fire.
We have all heard a thousand different clichés about love and what it really is, but they are all way too oversimplified. The truth is that love is vibrant and complex and varied.
Some people might think that I do not know what love is because I am not married. I will be the first to admit that there are some aspects of love that I have never experienced, and I pray that God gives me a chance to experience them someday.
But, just because I am single does not mean I do not know what love is. Just because some of my relationships did not last, or they did not end in marriage, does not mean that they were not real. So, just in time for Valentine’s Day, I want to share some of my thoughts on what I think love is. Whether you love someone as a friend or romantically, this is the foundation of all different kinds of love.
Love is always being there to remind your friend that they are a Rockstar, no matter how mundane they think their accomplishment is.
Love is inviting a friend over for a movie night, even though you know you are going to spend the whole time having in-depth discussions about life and how they are doing instead.
Love is vulnerability and honesty. You cannot have love if you refuse to acknowledge emotions.
Love is being able to challenge someone to grow without making them feel bad for where they are now.
Love means accepting someone on their good days and their bad days.
Love is communication. You have to be open, transparent, and honest with the people that you care about.
Love is showing compassion and empathy. You love best when you anticipate how your loved one will feel in certain situations. You should know their insecurities and triggers so that you can protect them from negative feelings when those things come up.
Love is never using the things that they are insecure about to hurt the person you care about.
Love is fiercely standing up for the other person when necessary, but sometimes it also means standing up for yourself.
Love is commitment, kindness, and selflessness.
Love is checking in when you know they have had a difficult or important day.
Love is making sure the other person’s needs get met.
Love is giving someone the freedom to be who they truly are.
Love means growing with the other person when they change, instead of trying to force them to remain the same. You have to accept that relationships change because people and circumstances change. Love remains steadfast despite those changes.
Love is support for the other person and their dreams.
Above all, love is a choice. It is is a choice to choose that person again and again and again. It is a choice to let someone into your heart and your life. You have to decide to put that person’s needs above your own.
Love is a choice. Love is a choice. Love is a choice.
What are your thoughts on what love truly is. Please share your thoughts by dropping a comment below. It is fun to keep the conversation going!